Już niebawem, bo 12.06 w Warszawie odbędą się jednodniowe warsztaty z DB2 dedykowane dla developerów pracujących na platformie z/OS.
Zapraszamy także administratorów baz danych. Warsztaty poprowadzi Gareth Jones z IBM.

Gareth has worked in IT since 1985, when he worked for an IBM customer in the UK retail sector. His first real contact with DB2 was when, working as an IMS Systems Programmer and DBA, he took on the job of migrating DB2 from V1.3 to V2.1, and he hasn't looked back since. In the 1990s, he spent eight years as a contractor, in France, the Netherlands and the UK, before joining IBM as a permanent employee in 2000.
Gareth worked for several years in IBM's Strategic Outsourcing division, and then in BetaWorks, before joining the DB2 for z/OS SWAT Team, under the leadership of John Campbell.
He has worked with many customers around the world with the SWAT Team. He has written a number of technical papers as well as presenting at several conferences including Insight, and many user group meetings.
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Lokalizacja spotkania: ul. Krakowiaków 32 02-255 Warszawa