czwartek, 26 lutego 2015

V Konferencja PDUG

V Konferencja PDUG

Data : 2015.03.17-18
Miejsce :  Nowe Babice / Hotel Splendor ul. Warszawska 197e


Arkadiusz Dubicki – urodził się w 1972 roku w Gdyni. Ukończył Politechnikę Gdańską w 1996,  Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki. Od 1996 roku pracował w Telekomunikacji Polskiej (pierwszy kontakt z Mainframe),  a od 2003 do dzisiaj w CompFort Meridian jako specjalista - konsultant DB2. Ma żonę i dwunastoletniego syna. Zainteresowania: sport (bieganie maratonów, narty), podróże i oldtimery

Marcin Baster works at IBM Analytic Platform Client Success and Smarter Support division as DB2 LUW Advanced Support Analyst since 4 years. He is based in IBM Poland Software Lab with working location Cracow. He provides level 2 technical support to clients with DB2 LUW database systems by advising and guiding clients on technical decisions in the use of DB2 product, performs problem determination and problem source identification (which results in PARs), performs other tasks as updating knowledge base content, reviewing and updating internal processes, working with development and service teams in issue resolution etc. Earlier Marcin worked as system administrator for Logica (today CGI), where he was involved in client support as well as production environments' deployments. He is former speaker at PDUG conference at Krakow 2014.

Chris Duellmann is a DB2 consultant with a strong background in backup/recovery and database administration working for BMC Software for the last 18 years. He has over 26 years of DB2 experience and has presented at various conferences including GSE Guide Share, IDUG EMEA and international DB2 user events.  In the past, he has been a systems programmer and DBA as well as a lecturer and technical advisor where he supported several large companies like T-Systems, Unicredit and Allianz insurance. He provided technical consulting for backup/recovery strategies in ERP environments, as well as implementing DB2 maintenance procedures in 24x7 high-availability systems. He currently works on projects at client sites helping to set up various methods for local and disaster recovery plans. For the last 14 years, he organized, managed and moderated the annual DB2 user conference called 'DB2 RoundTable' for BMC customers and prospects. Since 2000 he is part of the BMC IDUG EMEA team where he represents the BMC DB2 product technology with a certain focus on Recovery Management. He also organized DB2 technical briefings in cooperation with BMC product management for German, Swiss and Austrian customers at the Executive briefing center in Houston. He is co-author for the BMC Best Practices Book Recovery Management and provided several customer success stories and marketing-related flyers. He is a permanent member of several GSE user groups including DB2 z/OS, SAP and DB Admin. In his BMC career, he also held positions of a DB2 Business Development Manager, Business Unit Field Manager, and Technical Account Manager. 

Tomasz Kraszucki  -  jest pracownikiem ASSECO zatrudnionym aktualnie jako ekspert ds. technologii.  W trakcie swojej wieloletniej kariery zajmował się głównie bazami danych ich administracją i wydajnością. Wspierał również zespoły programistów w zakresie przygotowania i utrzymania środowisk, optymalizacji zapytańs SQL, procedur składwanych oraz przygotowanie zadań utrzymania baz DB2 for z/OS jak również DB2 UDB for LUW

Gareth Jones: Gareth has worked in IT since 1985, when he worked for an IBM customer in the UK retail sector. His first real contact with DB2 was when, working as  an IMS Systems Programmer and DBA, he took on the job of migrating DB2 from  V1.3 to V2.1, and he hasn't looked back since. In the 1990s, he spent eight  years as a contractor, in France, the Netherlands and the UK, before  joining IBM as a permanent employee in 2000. Gareth worked for several years in IBM's Strategic Outsourcing division, and then in BetaWorks,  before joining the DB2 for z/OS SWAT Team, under the leadership of John  Campbell. He has worked with many customers around the world with the SWAT Team. He has written a number of technical papers as well as presenting atseveral conferences including Insight, and many user group meetings.

Michal Bialecki works as DB2 z/OS Level 2 support and development for Silicon Valley lab, since 9 years.  He is based in Poland, with working location IBM SWG lab Cracow. Earlier Michal worked as system/application DBA for Social Security government customer in Poland, for 4 years, and also was helping other customers for DB2 z/OS. He is former speaker at IDUG EMEA conference (Berlin 2012/ Barcelona 2013) and also few DB2 user run events (csDUG, GSEfr).

Denis Tronin is the Product Manager at CA technologies (Agile Product Owner). In this role, he is responsible for the CA SYSVIEW for DB2 z/OS, the database performance monitor. Having 9 years of software engineering background in mainframe and DB2 areas, he is now focused on product planning and strategy, he defines product functionality in accordance with customer requirements and manages the engineering backlog

Łukasz Stasieńko - Senior Database Administrator w MOK YOK IT  - absolwent Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania “Copernikus” we Wrocławiu, specjalizacja systemy informatyczne. Od 2007 roku związany z obecną firmą Mok Yok IT jako specjalista od baz danych MySQL oraz db2.
Zainteresowania: książki fantasy oraz s-f, górskie wędrówki.

Steen Rasmussen is a Sr. Engineering Services Architect instrumental in the ongoing development and support of the CA DB2 tools. In 1985 Steen started as an IMS/DB2 DBA at a major insurance company in Denmark working with all aspects of DB2 - like tuning, application design and implementation, education of developers, backup and recovery planning and automation of housekeeping processes. In 1995 Steen became a technical manager at PLATINUM Technology managing technical support and presales for the DB2 products. Steen has been working with DB2 since DB2 V1R1M0 and the last plus 12 years has been spent working in the CA DB2 Solutions development center in Chicago. Besides from providing support to customers, the teams in the field as well as internal groups working with DB2, Steen also is a frequent speaker at IDUG in North America, APJ and Europe as well as local DB2 User Groups around the world.

Jacek Rafalak - Od 16 lat pracuje w Asseco Poland S.A. jako specjalista DB2 dla z/OS. Znamy go jako Współzałożyciela, aktywnego wolontariusza, pierwszego prezesa stowarzyszenia Polska Grupa Użytkowników DB2 oraz prelegenta na konferecjach technicznych DB2 z/OS (IDUG 2012, PDUG 2014). Jest fascynatem technologii Mainframe i orędownikiem DB2 z/OS. Za swój wkład w propagowanie wiedzy na jej temat został wyróżniony tytułem IBM Champion for Information Management na rok 2013. Poza pracą fascynuje się historią Polski. Żywo kibicuje drużynom siatkarskim.

Tomasz Fortuna - absolwent Politechniki Warszawskiej, od 10 lat pracownik IBM Polska. Od początku kariery w IBM pracujący w zespołach serwisowych.
Pracę zaczynał jako programista systemowy z/OS, obecnie zajmuje się DB2 na z/OS, wspierając lokalnych klientów.

wtorek, 24 lutego 2015

V konferencja PDUG Nowe Babice

 Chcielibyśmy już dzisiaj zaprosić Państwa na V konferencję stowarzyszenia "Polska Grupa Użytkowników DB2".  Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 17 i 18 marca w Hotelu Splendor w Nowych Babicach nieopodal Warszawy.

Planujemy dwudniowe spotkanie dla użytkowników platformy z/OS oraz LUW.

Serdeczenie Zapraszamy.

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Agenda V Konferencji :