wtorek, 15 stycznia 2013

Pierwszy Event Polskiej Grupy Użytkowników DB2

Wielkimi krokami zbliża się nasz pierwszy jak na razie jednodniowy event, który odbędzie się w Warszawie w dniu 21.03.2013.  Trwają prace nad formularzem zgłoszeniowym.


Thomas Beavin  joined IBM in 1986 after graduating from Illinois State University with a degree in applied computer science, and began working in the DB2 Utilities Development team. Tom worked on many enhancements to the LOAD and REORG utilities, as well as being the original developer for several utilities. In 1994 Tom joined the DB2 Optimizer Development team where he currently works as a technical leader with a focus on access path selection. Tom has numerous patents and technical achievement awards related to improvements in optimizer technology.

Christian Michel has joined the DB2 utilities team back in 2004 and has since been working on various topics. Since 2008 he is the lead developer for the interface to sort and has worked on multiple improvements in that area. Besides his work in the sort are he also keeps engaged in backup and recovery topics as well as with Real-Time statistics. He is working out of the Boeblingen laboratory in Germany

Obaj developerzy pracują na rzecz IBM Silicon Valley Lab.

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